Deck of Cards
Procedural modeling in Houdini
The Deck of Cards is a row of houses in Cobh, Ireland.
User Guide
Color coding:
Light Blue → Middle Window (windB)
Maroon → Additional Floors
Yellow → Bottom Window (windC)
Pink → Base House
Purple → Door
Green → Roof
Lavender → Top window (windA)
Magenta → Chimney
Red → Texture application
Red nodes are groups of geometry which are then separated by a split node for texturing.
Merges or booleans between two or more colored sections are outside the network boxes.
Clip Nodes:
Clip nodes in roof and facade network
May need to adjust the multiplier on the roofHeight reference in OriginY and DirectionY. These attributes relate to the slope of the roof, which changes with the top level parameters roofHeight and width.
Other Notes:
“Winks” are my name for the cubes that create the inset in the window frame. This name appears in each window network box
The main building box is created with an add node, not a box primitive. This is to more easily control the right side vertices with the steepness parameter.
For texturing, each piece of geometry that gets a certain shader is separated. It is moved into position then merged with the other geo of the same texture. There are nine different colors for the HouseTXT, FrameTXT, DoorTXT, and RoofTXT, which can easily be changed in the material node at the bottom of each set of group expressions, labeled according to the principled shader applied. The same technique can be applied to the WindowTXT and ChimneyTXT if desired.
Important Statistics
Houdini Version: 19.3.505
Render: Mantra
Average render time: 4.71 hours, 2.4 min/frame
Resolution: 1280 x 720px
Samples: 75
Global quality: 1
Diffuse quality: 1
Diffuse limit: 1
Noise level: 0
Min ray samples: 5
Max ray samples: 15
Number of lights in scene: 2
Complexity of geometry (one house):
Primitives: 296
Points: 369